Los Angeles River 5K FUN RUN Date:May 6, 2012 Time: 7:30am

Now we all know for many, many years that L.A. River has been part of the WMR’S training grounds. For some of the VERY local runners, there’s a portion of the L.A River where we train for speed, agility, and quickness. We’ve even spotted numerous elite runners doing 2 , 3, and 5 mile repeats as part of their normal workouts at the bike path. If you are a member of the Wild Mountain Runner Club or just love our L.A. River, you must run this race. Support this good cause! For only $15.00 bucks,you get medal, a shirt and a goodie bag filled with lots of fun swag. Cheap!
Registration & Bib Pick-up is going to be at A Runner’s Circle Running Shop on May 4, 5 & 6, 2012. All donations will proceed to the the LA River and its foundations that preserve her.
BENEFACTORS: LA River Revitalization Corporation and Friends of the Los Angeles River.
P.S. Special hydration station for all Gato members to be announced.