Wild Mountain Runner Newsletter - Vol. 2 No. 2 August 2005
Gato Ruben "Cremitas" Arteaga Dies
The WMR club has lost a very dear friend and runner. Ruben "Cremitas" Arteaga passed away August 4, 2005 at the age of 60. Ruben, was nicknamed "Cremitas" because he used to cover his body with a variety of creams before running. He enjoyed the social atmosphere the club offers and became a very active club member. Ruben was known for his good nature and generosity. Many times, without being asked, he would donate running gear and uniforms to the club. The club will miss him very much.
Funeral services will take place August 10th at 4-8pm at the Ingold Funeral Home, 8277 Junipero Avenue, Fontana, California 92335. _____________________________________
Gilbert Varela at age 56, finished with a time of 4:25. Running in the half marathon, Chris Quesada glided through the Golden Gate Bridge and finished with a time of 1:34. "It's a very tough course, especially mile 4 to 5 and after the Golden Gate bridge (about mile 9)". said Chris. Click photo to enlarge. Chris finishes 27th place out of 645 - Age Division. Rosa Arevalo, who wants to eventually qualify for the Boston Marathon, finished with a time of 1:56 in the marathon. "I just need to train harder", said Rosa. And running for the first time in an organized run, Gina finished with a time of 2:16. This lady has a lot of potential!!
Running at Griffith Park
By: Gilbert Varela
As a 14 year old cross country runner, I first set foot at Griffith Park in the fall of 1963. Our coach Bro. Tom Keegan believed that you could not develop into a competitive runner unless you trained in the park hills. Bro. Tom’s modus operandi entailed planning a "secret" workout, refusing to tell us what the run was until we were warmed up and ready to go.
Forty two years have passed and the park remains as pristine and challenging as it did for those who ran in 1963. Little has been done to change the park character. A few buildings like the Autry Museum have taken a little of its character but fortunately, those buildings are at the park’s parameters. There are of course many wild animals, including rabbits, deer, hawks, domestic and migratory birds, rattlers and an occasional mountain lion sighting.
Gatos who are training for a half marathon or longer distances, include the Hollywood Sign run in their training schedule. This is an out and back 11 mile course that takes one through dirt trails such as La Lengua de Vaca (Cow’s tongue). Jaime Ortiz, a Gato from South Gate, began calling it Lengua de Vaca because that part of the run is sure to make your tongue hang out like a cow! La Legua is a winding dirt road that merges into a steep asphalt road. This road quickly ascends and is likely to give even the best hill runner a hard time. The road takes you above and behind the Hollywood Sign. Once there, runners will be treated to a great panoramic view of Los Angeles, the ocean and Catalina Island.
In my opinion, by far the most popular of all the trail runs is the Tetrick Trail. This trial was names posthumously after a Mr. Tetrick who diligently walked and jogged the trail for many years. Tetrick is a circular 8 mile dirt trail that constantly meanders through the foothills. There are quick and short hill that challenge the runners at every turn. The course was made popular by the G-pack running club who for many years sponsored the Tetrick Run. Runners enjoyed the bohemian theme which the run was known for. The race was started not by a gun but by a bow and arrow. By mile one male runners could feast their eyes on a totally nude female. A couple of miles later the ladies were treated as well to a nude male. Unfortunately, the park rangers got wind of what was going on and banned the event.
Recently, Roberto "Kadafi" Perez ran Tetrick 30 plus consecutive days with the intention of having WMR christen the trial Kadafi Trail. This was a magnificent feat and all WMR should recognize it as so. (See Chris Quesada’s article Roberto "Kadafi" Perez" Earns his Trail)
Personally, I enjoy running the park because the park is so rich with history that I feel that I am running within an organic museum. Few recognize that before Spain, Mexico and the United States governed California, Griffith Park was home to indigenous groups and the home for many wild creatures. A ceramic exhibition of these early park inhabitants is located at the Ranger Station located at Crystal Springs.
During Spanish rule, the park was part of a 8000 acre land grant called Rancho Los Feliz. After 1821 the Mexican government granted Rancho Los Feliz to Dona Verdugo (Verdugo Blvd. is named after her). Dona Verdugo subsequently parceled out much of the land and eventually most of the land was sold to Antonio Coronel, a distinguished and influential Californio. By 1882, Colonel Griffith J. Griffith purchased the 4,107 acre land. In 1896 Colonel Griffith bequeathed the land to the City of Los Angeles with the provision that the land be used as a park. However, the city has not been true to its commitment considering that it used a portion of the park as a dump. Part of the reason that the city was able to do this was citizen ignorance and apathy. WMR members should be involved in questioning and demanding that the city abide by the wishes of Colonel Griffith.
Wild Mountain runners are unanimous in their opinion that the park is one of the best places to run anywhere in Los Angeles. Gatos enjoy the feeling of running in the wild while at the same time experiencing a tough work out. Anyone interested in running the many running trails should join the Gatos every Sunday between 6 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. Run distances range from 5 miles to 20 miles, depending on your conditioning. See you there!!
SAVE GRIFFITH PARK: No More Development
The following is taken from www.savethepark.org a website dedicated to saving Griffith Park from further development.
Did you know that despite overwhelming negative community input, the current Griffith Park Plan, now in draft form, proposes the intensive development and commercialization of Griffith Park? Suggested "improvements" include:
- Six multi-level parking structures.
- Two aerial tramways.
- Street widening throughout the Park.
- Introduction of traffic in the interior of the park.
- Division of the Park into separate themed "lands."
- Creation of a hotel, restaurant, culinary school and sports complex in the park’s interior.
- Redesign of the 18-hole golf course at the expense of the Zoo Magnet School.
- A commercial pier on the Los Angeles river at the Los Feliz Bridge.
- Additional public-private partnerships and revenue-enhancing schemes.
1. Visit http://www.laparks.org/ and read the Master Plan draft; download and return the response form with your comments.
2. Call, write4 or email Mayor Villaraigoza ( mayor@lacity.org ) and your Los Angeles City councilperson (http://www.lacity.org./ ) or call and tell them what you think about the Master Plan. Please copy your mail to mailto:wm@savegriffithpark.org.3. Sign and mail the attached Griffith Park Urban Wilderness Petition for Griffith Park Master Plan, Los Angeles Dept. Of Recreation and Parks, 399 Chevy Chase Dr., Los Angeles, California 90039
The Master Plan draft is available on-line at http://www.laparks.org./
Upcoming meeting:
Griffith Park Master Plan Community Advisory Panel
Monday, Sept. 12, 2005, 6:30 p.m.
4730 Crystal Springs Drive
Los Angeles, California 90027
Gato Profile: Abel Ibarra discovered running as the key to his health.

He credits much of his love for running to the Gatos. "In 1984 I used to run at Hansen Dam and met three Wild Mountain Runners, Freddy Perez, Pedro Ponce and Ramon "Apache" Cuevas. I soon joined the club", said Abel. Abel has remained a loyal and dedicated member of the San Fernando Wild Mountain Runner chapter. Abel can always be counted to be there when the club needs him.
With long strides and pendulum swinging arms, Abel is known for a gutsy and unrelenting running style that challenges anyone close to him. Even his voice sounds firm and proud when he talks about his best marathon time of 2:48 at the 1987 Long Beach Marathon. His best 5k was timed at 16:40 at the famous Aztlan Run in East Los Angeles.
Abel said that his favorite race is the Los Angeles Marathon.
At 51 years of age, Abel continues to focus on his running realizing that training is the key to great running times. Training once again paid off at the July 31, 2005 San Francisco Marathon. Abel finished with a fantastic time of 3:16:13, placing 153rd out of 3123 runners. He placed 7th out of 280 males in his age division. Congratulations Abel!
Married and the father of two young children, Abel came to the United States in 1975 by himself. Abel states that he left from Michoacan, Mexico seeking a better life. In the process he discovered that running made him healthy. "I love running and if you can call it a vice, it is a great vice" exclaimed Abel.
A true lover of the long run, Ray has ran over 160 marathons! This feat has earned him membership in two exclusive running clubs, the 50 States & D.C. Club and the 100 Marathon Club (not to mention WMR). His running has taken him to every state of the Union, to London, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Canada and to the very famous Rotterdam Marathon. His favorite marathon is Boston, which he has ran 5 times. His best marathon time was 2:47:11 in 1981 and ran his fastest 10k in 35:30 in 1985.
One would think that after so many marathons, he would consider them all the same. "As I look back, I can visualize the course; not every mile but I can visualize the scenery and the people." he said. He considers the Pittsburgh Marathon as the worst marathon experience. It started at 10:30 a.m. and by then the temperature was 85 degrees. He managed to finish. He considers the Fiesta Marathon in Phoenix, Arizona as his best marathon experience.
As a member of the Sheriff’s Mountain Rescue Team and to keep fit, he began to run at age 40. In 1981he joined the G-Pack runners of Griffith Park. Ray’s advice is "Enjoy running and don’t push.". He loves the social aspects of running and that is why in 1988 he joined the Wild Mountain Runners. Since then, Ray has been one of our most faithful members. For those of you who know Ray, you can appreciate his great humor, running advice and gusto. After a long run, there is nothing that he enjoys more than a cold (sometime room temperature) beer and a lot of laughs with his WMR friends.
(The following article was printed September 1990 )
Home Run 5/10k, Elysian Park, September 9, 1990
The hilly course and heat didn’t intimidate the Wild Mountain Runner pack as they placed four runners in the first ten places of the 10k race. Leading the pack was Bell Gardens resident Joel Sanchez. Joel finished fourth overall with a time of 34:12. Wearing the Gato singlet for the first time was Enrique Castro. Enrique, a former professional fighter turned runner, finished fifth overall ten seconds behind Joel. Jaime Ortiz, recovering from the Santa Monica Marathon, finished behind Joel with an excellent time of 35:12. Not far behind Jaime was Salvador "Chava" Arellano finishing with a time of 35:52.
Other Gatos who finished were Pedro "Navajas", Gilbert Varela, Roberto Rivas, Mario Molina, Enrique Castaneda and Javier "Sahuayo".
In the 5k the Gatos were without the services of Alfredo Vallejo, Benito Cruz or Roberto "El Chino" but Jose "Pepe El Brochero" Gomez saved the day as he finished a strong 14th overall with a time of 16:45. He was followed by yours truly with a time of 17:34 and placed 23rd overall. Then came Ignacio Fonseca (17:43, 25th), Steve "Llaves" Keyes (17:47, 26th), Ernesto "Mostachon" Davila (19:15, 40th) and last but not least, Francisco Licea with a time of 20:30.
Profile of Gilbert Varela

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